Thursday, February 3, 2011

And so it goes...

So it is Day III of the "Snopocolypse" and I am still at home.  Granted, I like being home, however being imobile is not my prefered way of spending my time off.  It is looking like the combination of de-icer and my helpful Hubs will prove effective in dislodging our vehicle (commonly refered to as The Beancar due to being small and rounded and over all looking like a jellybean) from the iron grasp of the ice.  Over all, I am completely over winter.  As much as I love wearing sweaters, coats and cute hats, I am beginning to think it is highly over rated. 


Brent said...

I wanted to ask you how you were doing or if you got your car free. It took me about an hour and a half last night to clean the ice off and get my car unstuck. Also, interesting development at work today. I come in after being off for two days, and at about 11 am water starts leaking from the ceiling. by 11:30 it was pouring it from all over the ceiling in the room we work in. I had to leave at noon because they made us unplug our computers and put them in cabinets. I might have to work out of a training room tomorrow. Boo!

Claire said...

That's insane! The beancar broke free from the ice and I ended up just working a half day. I'm definitely glad it's the weekend.